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That Real Blind Tech Show

Nov 24, 2020

Welcome to feeling like it is Blursday.  Hulu Live TV is the latest streaming service to jack up their prices. Does cutting the cord still make economical sense? HBOMax makes its debut on Amazon Fire TV. Navilens is being tested out by the NYC MTA in a limited fashion. A Black Friday spectacular review of Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Best Buy from an accessibility viewpoint. 

We then welcome in the new CEO of the Lighthouse Guild, NYC, Dr. Cal Roberts  to discuss his first few months on the job, his wide ranging background, his new podcast On Tech and Vision with Dr. Cal Roberts, and much more.

Why in the world would anyone purchase Apple’s new MagSafe Charger? It was not a great start for those early downloaders of Mac OS Big Sur. Why in the world does the full Mac keyboard have 19 function keys?   

    M1 Macs is there any reason for a VoiceOver user to be using iOs apps on their Mac? iMazing and CrossOver 20 are two applications to allow you to run iOS and Windows programs on your Mac, but are they accessible? And of course its the return of What’s Pissing Off Brian Now and more of Whatcha Streaming Whatcha Reading? 

To contact That Real Blind Tech Show, you can email us at, join our Facebook Group at That Real Blind Tech show, follow us on Twitter @BlindTechShow or call us and leave a message at 929-367-1005.

Articles Discussed In This Episode
1.Hulu with Live TV is Jacking up its prices
2. HBOMax has arrived on Amazon Fire TVs
3. Navilens is being tested out for NYC blind bus riders
4. Link to On Tech and Vision with Dr. Cal Roberts on Apple Podcasts   
5. Why you should not buy Apple’s new MagSafe Charger
6. Mac OS Big Sur did not get off to a great start
7. iMazing will allow you to install almost any iOS app on your Mac  
8. CrossOver 20 will allow you to run Windows apps and games on your Mac